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LONGWAVE CLUB OF THE AMERICAS | Kevin Carey, 9213 State Route 5 & 20, Bloomfield, NY 14469 |
Headquarters E-Mail: HQ.LWCA@gmail.com
First organized as the Longwave Club of America in January, 1974, LWCA promotes monitoring and experimentation on frequencies below the AM broadcast band. Such activities have come to include hearing and identifying navigational beacons, recording and analyzing natural radio emissions at very low frequencies, transmitting under low power rules in the 1750 meter band (and secondarily, on other frequencies where such Part 15 experimentation is also permitted), and advocating for amateur radio in the longwave spectrum.
The club is a not-for-profit organization, and dues are charged only to cover publication of the club bulletin, mailing, promotional and bookkeeping costs. The LWCA was a founding member organization of the Association of North American Radio Clubs (ANARC), and is a sister organization of the North America Shortwave Association (NASWA).
Membership Dues for the Longwave Club of America depend on your location and your preferred format for receiving the club publication (print vs electronic).
♣ Rates for the print edition of The LOWDOWN are $27.00 a year in the United States. To Canada and Mexico: US$30. Elsewhere: US$39 per year. (Some members who prefer the physical print edition also like to receive the electronic version as a sort of "sneak peek." There is no charge for this, but be sure to include both your postal and email addresses when writing to the publisher.)
♣ For PDF electronic delivery only, the cost is only $15 per year anywhere in the world.
Payment Methods include two simple options.
♦ Checks or money orders should be made payable to "Kevin Carey, LWCA" and be sent to the postal address above.
♦ PayPal is also welcome, but please include $1 additional to cover transaction fees. Use the HQ email address above for recipient.
Memberships Run Annually from January 1 through December 31. You are welcome to join at any time, but will receive back issues from the first of the year by electronic delivery only.
Questions regarding all subscription related matters should be directed to the publisher at the addresses given above.
About This Website. The lwca.org Web site is operated on behalf of LWCA by the Longwave & Wireless Communication Archive (lwca.net). It is funded independently by John H. Davis, who is the domain name registrant and contact person for Web administrative/technical purposes. Pages are maintained with help from other volunteer members of the club, whose assistance is gratefully acknowledged. This site receives no money from member dues. While lwca.org is not operated for profit and does not accept direct donations, your support of any advertisers at this site helps defray a small portion of the operating costs, and is appreciated.
Experiencing Problems Using This Web Site? mb@lwca.org
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